CorbeauCast offers temperature forecasting based on machine learning. It provides vineyards with improved temperature forecasting. Trials have shown it is more accurate than the local Met Office forecast 70% of the time.
CorbeauCast also provides weekly summary charts of temperatures, %RH, Growing Degree Days (GDD) and mildew At Risk Hours (ARH).
Use GDD to check anticipated phenological stages and how a season is progressing.
Use ARH to advise interventions against mildews.
CorbeauCast is suitable for both Davis weather stations and Ecowitt weather stations.
Latest microclimate report
2024 comparison
2024 comparison
Temperature forecasts
Met Office forecast
Please note! we have moved our weather station to a new site and this will affect the accuracy of the forecasts for a couple of weeks
Forecasts vs observations
Met Office forecast
Ecowitt weather station observation
Mildew advice
Powdery mildew and downy mildew are both important pathogens of grapevines and farmers typically spray sulphur and copper fungicides at 14 day intervals during the growing season. Conditions of high temperature and humidity encourage the growth and spread of mildews. CorbeauCast provides a daytime mildew risk indication of HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW. These correspond to vineyard conditions:
T>14 degC and RH >82%
T >14 degC and RH < 82%
T < 14 degC
At times of HIGH mildew risk, it is important to check the At Risk Hours number frequently because it can accelerate rapidly.
The At Risk Hours (ARH) chart provides a year-long record of accumulated mildew risk which can be considered when deciding on fungicide application. There are a number of potential intervention points:
75 hours – to tackle over-wintering spores
200 hours – to tackle mildew development
325 hours – to stop new mildew development
450 hours – to stop further mildew development and then every 125 hours if the season permits
Growing Degree Days advice
Growing Degree Days (GDD) is a useful record of how much energy a vine can potentially use to grow, flower, fruit and ripen. The GDD chart shows a cumulative total of GDD throughout the season.
It can be used to follow progress against expected phenological stages, alert to unexpectedly slow development and with a long-range weather forecast, to anticipate future stages.
Use the chart below to see how the vineyard or varietal parcels are progressing against expectations.
Ecowitt weather station
Check out the Ecowitt WG69 specification for live weather station observations, additional detailed charts and downloadable data.