Coffee leaf miner infection located by multispectral imaging

There’s an awful lot of coffee in Brazil! according to the old song recorded by Frank Sinatra. In 2021 almost 70 million 60kg bags of coffee were produced in Brazil, roughly one third of global production, making Brazil the largest coffee producer in the world. Yield varies from year to year depending mainly on the […]
Cassava virus infection detected with handheld multispectral imager
One of the most important sources of carbohydrate energy in equatorial countries comes from the cassava plant. It looks like a trendy house plant but the roots are large tubers that provide valuable nutrition. Tubers can be boiled and mashed or dried, ground and turned into flour. Cassava is a robust crop but suffers from […]
Precision viticulture for table grapes

Some farmers do not pick grapes, squash them and then ferment the juice. Some farmers just sell them for eating. And why not? Grapes have long been the gift of choice for hospital visitors. The glucose sugar in grapes is absorbed quickly into the blood stream to provide a burst of energy for a sick […]
Detection of grapevine trunk disease Esca by hyperspectral imaging

Global viticulture loses more than £1 billion every year due to so-called grapevine trunk diseases (GTD). Some vineyards just suffer a lower yield whereas others can lose the whole vineyard. Esca is one of three main GTD diseases. Unlike the usual seasonal problems such as downy or powdery mildew, GTD have no known treatment or […]